Please don't worry because of this total lack-of-blog. We are happy and healthy and safe and sound here in Cape Town. We got back into town last week from a (wonderful) holiday with Sebastien's parents. Sebastien was sick when we got back, and I was afraid of getting sick too, and so honestly we did nothing last week but sit around the house, reading "The Mind of South Africa," by Allister Sparks - a great book. The author was has been a writer and editor since way before I was born, and now corresponds for the Washington Post and the Observer. At any rate, he was asked near the end of Apartheid to write a book that was as objective as possible, regarding the history of South Africa until 1990 (when this book was published), to "de-mythologise" history that was written before. Oh, politics. So basically, that is what I have been doing. Reading and sleeping.
I started work again this past Tuesday, and it has been difficult to be back after such a great (and long) break. I am happy though. Once it gets going again, it will be great! My office completely gutted out the space where we work over break, and has (started to) put it all back together quite nicely. It isn't quite done yet. We are all having spotty internet and phone service, and the past two days there has been a man outside my window banging on the window frames (5th floor). The first day was just annoying, because it was so loud, and because no matter how much you clear your desk of dust, there is more there 3 minutes later!! Yesterday was much quieter, and I was able to work a bit more, but.... I kept forgetting he was out there, and then I would look up, and instead of the mountain (I will have to load a picture of my office, and my view - it is ridiculous), a MAN would be looking in at me! I jumped a little the first two or three times, but then realized that MY jumping might scare him, so I was more aware the rest of the day, and although I was still a little startled, I tried to stay still.
I am sorry these are all out of order. I am going to write about our trip, but haven't gotten to it yet. Signing out. Take care. -Hope