So, yes.... it HAS been a long, long time.
Many things have happened, since last I wrote. I am no longer in South Africa (obvious, if you read the last post), and I am quickly losing my tan. That is sad. I am missing the sun of Cape Town, and I am very very much missing all our wonderful friends (refer to my last entry). I am looking forward to seeing them all in VANCOUVER, BC though!
I think I just ruined any surprises that I could have saved for later on in this entry. But, I am not there yet.

It was SO wonderful to be with such wonderful friends from my childhood again, and know that although we have all changed a ton, our friendships remain intact. I laughed more than I have in a very long time, and my stomach hurt severely sereral times while we were together! I am very much looking forward to the next time we meet up. We hiked at Lake Tahoe, went to a Nevada casino, gardened, met some of Sarah's California friends, and ate a ton (we also found a candy shop downtown, and I drooled but did not touch). All in all, it was stupendous.

A few days after my return to Oregon, Sebastien and I stole his parents' Prius to drive up to Vancouver. On the way up, we stopped to see his sister, Vanessa, her husband, Dennis, and their soon-to-be-born baby, as of now named "Baby." Although it was a short visit, because we got to their house so late, we were able to celebrate Dennis's birthday with his family and have time for a nice chat. We stayed there for a night, and then got on the road the next morning, to Vancouver, to look for jobs.
In terms of getting stuff done, it was a challenging week, looking for employment and a place to live. Mostly we pounded the pavement, going from firm to firm, dropping off cover letters and resumes, like no one's business. We got our resumes in order, and printed (and reprinted) our portfolios. We were constantly calling firms, while keeping our eyes open for good neighborhoods.