I haven't kept up my personal blog at all for almost exactly a year. Sebastien and I were so busy with our wedding, and then I was preoccupied studying with my LEED exam (and then many other excuses!) that I totally let it go.
I was, however, blogging about our wedding planning process in much of the interim. I have been thinking it would be good to get started on blogging again, without neglecting this whole last year. I found out that you can export blogs from one account into another, so you may notice there is a lot of newly added stuff on my blog, regarding the build-up to our wedding. If you want to see our wedding blog in its original context (different fonts and backgrounds, etc.), you can find it here: www.telfordrake.blogspot.com.
We are (almost) finished with our wedding Thank You cards, and we have both really gotten a great start on 2010, in terms of personal goals! I hope I can share those with you all a little better, through my new and improved blog! Please comment on anything you find interesting - I love to hear from you!
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago