Lately, I've been in a little bit of a creative slump....
I have lots of projects I would like to be doing, but by the time I get home from work, I am lacking the energy and motivation to do them. The great thing is: my job keeps me thinking, and on my toes. The bad thing is: I have creative things at home I want to do too! The past few weeks though, I am worn out by the time I get home, and eat dinner.

I know I have a lot of creative friends reading this. How do you stay motivated? I have some really cute fabric (aptly named Hope Valley), and a great pattern for a tunic that I really want to sew!* Also, the business cards (and brochure) I was commissioned to design unfortunately won't design themselves.
The funny thing is this: as I write, I keep remembering very recent projects I've done that I haven't posted yet.
STILL, please let me know what you do to keep your motivation up, after a long day of _________ing! Thank you!
Hey Hopey—if I may pass along a little advice Mr. Abbott told me about keeping side projects going, "do a little bit everyday or whenever you can". Then you can look back and see how those little bits add up to a lot.
P.S. Miss you.
Hi J-Bo,
I think that is SO true! It is what I have to remind myself when I start to get behind on blogging, too! Arg. I did get started on the graphic design project I needed to work on, and that felt pretty good. I think that the spring weather will help a little!
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