Monday, November 29, 2010
The Hills are Alive.... With the Sound of BAAA-ing
Sunday, November 28, 2010
In Portland

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Day 30 - SANTIAGO!
We finished a day earlier than expected, and just in time! I am tired!
I feel SO lucky to be able to do this trip, physically, mentally, and (ahem) financially, and I am so very happy to have such a good sense of accomplishment.
800km! That is a lot, if I do say so myself!
We are saying goodbye to new friends, as we all go our seperate ways.
Tomorrow Sebastien and I head off to Granada, and then to Nerja, on the Costa del Sol. We are going to have some time to NOT walk 27km per day!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Day 24: the Dogs Are Barking
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Day 20: More Gaudi
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Day 18: Hopping a Bus?
From the sound of things in our guidebook, today’s route is not as pleasant as others. Today we are walking from Mansilla to Leon, 18.6km (11.6 mi), and much of it is along busy routes. Sèbastien and I are considering taking a bus from the outskirts into town. Would you consider this cheating a little?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Day 11: People – Past and Present

When we reach our final destination of the day (Burgos), it will be another experience altogether. Burgos has a population of approximately 200,000 people, and is teeming with activity. Many pilgrims, after traveling over a week through quiet, secluded hamlets, find themselves with culture shock, and get overwhelmed by activity. I am not sure that this will be my experience because I am used to life in the city, but it will be interesting to gauge our reactions to all the people I am sure we’ll encounter.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Day 7: Logroño – Capital of Rioja

Editor's Note: We missed the festival by one day, but by all accounts of it, we were glad (it sounds like the city was fully of the "over-boozed.") We had a WONderful time in Logroño, and I would absolutely recommend it to anyone. We stayed in a pension for a night (what a treat, after staying in bunk beds in the pilgrim hostels), near the section of town that seems to be devoted to tapas. There we said goodbye to one friend (who will continue the Camino next year), and enjoyed a wonderfully downplayed city atmosphere. We explored a bit, went to the markets, enjoyed a lovely breakfast in a cafe, bought some cheese and bread, and saw as much great graffiti as we could (Spain has some GREAT graffiti) before heading out the next day.
Can I say, once again, how happy I was that we stayed in a pension, and didn't have to share a bathroom with 100 other people?