We arrived in Paris! There are many things on our agenda, while we are here, with the most important being spending some time with Sebastien's French relatives (his aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandmother). His mom is going to meet us here in the next day or two as well (she is here for a conference), and then we are headed to his aunt Brigitte's apartment for dinner. Tomorrow we will go see his grandma in Troyes. I am very excited, and will try my best to keep you up-to-date as much as I can!
Typical rooftop in Paris
Notre Dame Cathedral, across the Seine
I don't want you having too much fun - so here's a revit question...
how do you create a parametric door schedule?
That should put a sour look on your face! hahahaahaaaaa heh!!!
(I secretly hope U R having heaps and heaps of fun, gurrrl)
HAHA Darcy is funny!!!!!! Hi Hopey, glad to see an update. Miss you so much already. My heart pains everytime I walk by your desk.....love you so much. Caitlin
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