Monday, August 16, 2010

Marching Through the Landscape

Sebastien and I have been very busy lately, packing up our apartment, and making arrangements to move (we are leaving our apartment this Friday). I will take some photos tomorrow, of our home filled with boxes. Thankfully, we still have some of my favorite things on the walls (photos, etc.). I am dreading taking them down, even though I know this move will be a great thing for us.

Seb found this proposal online today, and thought I would like it (I really, really do), and now I am sharing it with you. Designed by Choi + Shine for the Icelandic High-Voltage Electrical Pylon International Design Competition, these pylons carry electricity across Iceland's landscape in the form of monumental people. I think they are beautiful and serene, somehow. What do you think? I love how cheeky they are, too.

They remind me of a post I saw on Cup of Jo, of this fun video Iceland put together to promote tourism after the most recent volcano:

I will get there someday.


darcy said...

iceland is neat and everything, but i heard that the volcano there is angry...

Anonymous said...

Very fun video. A friend of mine was in Iceland last summer and loved it. I would love to go someday!

Caitlin said...

wow, that is SUCH a great idea!!!!! Awesome!!!!