Monday, August 09, 2010

Oh Joy!

I just found this post on Oh Joy, about a project to beautify a neighborhood in Rio de Janeiro. It is by some artists who collectively are called Favela.

I think it is beautiful, and I would surely love to live in a neighborhood like this, but I couldn't help but think, "I am amazed that everyone said yes!" Perhaps this is pessimistic thinking, but if this was in the US, do you really think the entire project would be painted? I feel like someone would say, "Nope. Sorry. I know I haven't painted my apartment since 1973, but I kind of like it this color gray."

Pretty cool, huh?


Scott & Phoebe said...

Cool, yes. But not as cool as quitting your job, visiting family in NYS, traveling to France for more family, walking for a month, and relocating to a new city in a new (old) country. But, again, yes, it's pretty cool.

Congrats on what will be an AMAZING adventure, I'm sure!

Hope said...

Hahaha - Thanks, Phoebe! I am pretty excited, too! I can hardly believe we are going to do all that! I especially can't believe we are going to somehow PREPARE for all that between now and September 14th (when we get on the plane to Paris)!!! Cross your fingers!

Corning Hiking Club! said...

What are the average zoning restrictions/ How free am I to paint my house?

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

those colors brought smiles*

Caitlin said...

Awesome!!! I love your blog Hopey!!! Love this stuff. xoxox