I just made homemade potstickers for dinner (insert pat on my own back *here*), and they were pretty good. Food is a lot more expensive than it was in South Africa (insert "duh" face *here*), but not too bad. Since we haven't started working yet, we have been eating lots of rice and beans, but..... (insert BACK STORY *here*)
Two days ago, Sebastien and I were talking about the differences in our personalities, organization-wise. I said (insert sloppy mis-quotes *here*): "I really actually like to randomly find stuff every once in a while, so I like things to be organized, but I don't necessarily want them to be TOO organized - a place for everything, and NOT necessarily EVERYthing in its place!" (or something like that).
And Seb said (because I already know that this is NOT how he works): "I think everything should have a place, and it should always be there, so that it is always there when you look for it! That way it is nice to have it where you thought it was!"
So I said: "Well, take for example, money; sometimes it is so GREAT to reach into your pocket and pull out an unknown fiver! I love it when that happens!"
And he says: "Wouldn't it have been better if you had KNOWN where that 5 bucks was, when you needed it?"
So then me: "I don't know.... Usually stuff shows up right when you need it. An old photograph when you need to smile. 5 bucks when you need coffee!"
And Seb, "Hmmmmmmn. Let's have a place for everything, and don't worry about it TOO much, but then we can try to organize every once in a while."
Hope: "Good Compromise."
SO - This IS leading somewhere. Yesterday, I opened an old wooded box that Sarah Schreiber gave me when we were younger, covered in pictures, etc. I use it to hold my old foreign coins and a broken pocket watch. I started looking through the coins, and started taking the folded bills out of the side that they were tucked in, so that I could look at the coins easier. Then I was looking at the pocket watch, and then - wait - wait - folded BILLS? And yes, I did say folded bills. In fact, I have somehow been sitting on 800 Danish Kroner (about 145 US Dollars!), 10 British Pounds (20 USD), and 23 Canadian Dollars (although when will I EVER use those?!)!!! I could not believe it! If there was EVER a time when I was thankful that I found my own money (that I never knew I was missing!), it was then. I exchanged part of it today, and of course it is already mostly gone (starting up a new apartment is expensive), but I got to go grocery shopping, and now we have a fairly stocked kitchen at least. Seb is going to make cookies tomorrow for us to take to work, and there are two meals left of gyoza. I think for a while I am going to really get to know tuna casserole, and I am going to love it. We are also going to start making our own bread to save a little money, plus it is so darned good! Next - JAM.
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
I have to say when I read this latest posting I laughed out loud so much that Josh had to ask me what was going on, and i had to read it to him...classic. The funny thing (and the thing I love so much about my hopey) is that you have always believed in the mis-organization of organization ever since I have known you, and that is long time! I was just telling Josh how I would "clean" your room for you in high school.... or at least make you Mom believe it was clean so we could go out!(and now I am the messy one in my relationship!) love you sarah
I'm psyched you were able to trade in the kroners and the pounds-- after implementation of the Euro, I thought other currencies were fazed out by now. Awesome!
Note on CHC's comment:
Thank goodness the British and the Danes are super stubborn! If that money were from anywhere else.... I am one lucky lucky lady!
Oddly (or not) the entire time i was reading your 'conversation,' i kept thinking "is this Ron talking, or Hope? Oh wait... they're RELATED!" i think Ron is very very good at the misorganization of SEMI-organization as well. Though he does appreciate when i know right where something is. I do love a good "fiver" find in the pocket, usually in a winter jacket that doesn't get worn for 3 seasons!
OMG... how fun to find that kind of dough!
And speaking of dough... the potstickers sound absolutely delightful! Do you have a good recipe for them-?
um...happy belated...not sure how to get in touch with you other than email...which is what most people use. Glad you found some cash. so great! things always work out!
Hope has a blog? You are SO in trouble now that I can keep track of you! So much to say: Happy (belated) birthday, congrats on your move, finding a job and finally, congrats on making gyoza and potstickers. Although I don't know what the hell they are... I think I have lived in Maine too long...
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