We drove up to Vancouver last Monday from Portland, and everything went smoothly at the border. No fuss. No trouble. We were a little nervous because we drove up in a UHaul, basically not sure that we would be allowed to work in Canada (I know - crazy, eh?), but everything was fine. We got to the apartment building at 5:pm on Monday, and thankfully, our landlord allowed us to unload all of our stuff a day early, because the apartment was empty; he was just finishing the floors. We moved the entire truckload of house-stuff in before 7:pm, and then, starving, met Sarah to go get dinner, and went to stay at Ted's apartment because we weren't officially in our apartment yet. Work starts on Monday for both of us, and we would like to be as organized as possible, before then, so we don't have to rush home from work to hang clothes and unpack boxes. Suffice it to say, we are THRILLED with our little apartment, and in the picture that appears to be looking out a window, yes that IS the mountain range in the distance! Yippee!
This week has been tiring for sure. You can tell from the photos of Sebastien. Poor guy has also been SICK on top of all the moving....

Hopey, I'm a MESS at the Canadian border - AND ALL FOR NO REASON! i get all nervous, they can smell it on me, then next thing i know they are asking me 100 more questions than any other car. I hate it. I have to remember to NEVER be driving when crossing the border. Keep to myself on the side and look forward... don't turn my head. Oh wait - that's suspicious too! Dang it!
hope, remember the time you, Sarah and I went to Vancouver and accidentally got into the "frequent border crosser line" and skipped about 3 hours of waiting at the border? That was fun and funny! Thanks again for being our road crew at that race too! Hope all is well!
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