She went off into the world, and had many adventures, and expectations and plans of her own.

I appreciate so much everything you, my family and friends, did along the way for this little girl (if you haven't figured it out, it's me). Your love is very apparent, and I am so lucky for it!!!
Gosh darn it, I love birthdays!
(The top picture is with my dad; the bottom one, with Chip and Grandma Telford [I would love to do a Young Me / Now Me of it, if Grandma T were still with us!].... I looked for photos of me as a baby with my whole family, and didn't find any! Next year, perhaps.)
Have a wonderful day!
Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos - they speak of LOVE! Chip, looking so like Chip and your sweet little face leaning on your grandma while enjoying a bottle from your big brother...precious! Sending you love and happy wishes for your birthday!
I saw that picture of Dad and just started crying, instantly! I love that picture so much. U2.
Thanks for being so awesome, Hope.
Happy Birthday Beautiful Girl! You are a WONDER and I am amazed by you!!!
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